School Closures
We live in Colorado where snowy and icy conditions are a regular part of each winter. However, the safety of our students, parents, and teachers is paramount, so in the event of severe weather, school may be closed.
How do we determine whether to close school? The following factors are in play:
Are Jeffco schools open or closed? Jeffco maintains a good set of experts with a rigorous weather protocol, and as ACA is in Jeffco's district, Jeffco's actions largely determine our course.
What is the weather outlook? Current conditions may worsen, or improve, and so we attempt to make decisions based on both current and future safety.
ACA does not have a busing system with professional drivers. Even if Jeffco remains open, would ACA's private drivers of parents and teachers be put at undue risk by also remaining open?
If we decide to close school, how will you know?
You'll receive an email from ACA Alerts no later than 6:00 AM.
A small alert banner will be placed at the top of our website's homepage.
Our school name and status will be published via 9News no later than 6:00 AM (if a delay or cancellation has occurred).
Make-up Days:
If school is cancelled for a full day for any reason, up to three missed days of school will be made up starting with the third missed day of the academic year. (The first two cancelled days will not be made up.) Delayed start days will not be made up. Make-up days will be according to pre-scheduled days on the ACA academic calendar, which fall on Fridays during the months of April and May.
Attendance is required for all students on make-up days.
Questions? Let us know! You can reach us at (720) 446-6286 or info@augustineclassical.org.