Learn more about classical Christian education and Augustine Classical Academy by checking out some of our talks below.
On February 23, 2019, Douglas Wilson visited ACA and gave this talk to members of our school community and greater network.
Doug briefly shares some foundations of classical Christian education in relation to 21st-century educational ideas. What should be some of our core educational assumptions? What should be our non-negotiables? Why does it matter?
(The last part of the talk is Q&A. As we were unable to record the questions, the question silence has been removed from the recording leaving Doug's answers.)
Our students will only love what is most lovely to them. So how do we guide their loves? How do we order their affections?
In this talk given at the August 2017 Classical Educators' Training at Arma Dei Academy, Nate Ahern (Augustine Classical Academy) explores how to make classical Christian education lovely, and some practical solutions for capturing our students' hearts and minds.
How should Christians approach education? What questions should we be asking? What are the implications as we make decisions concerning education? How can parents and church leaders be increasingly effective in shepherding their children and congregations toward faithful discipleship in the world of education?
This talk given at a February 2018 Learning Community via Made to Flourish, hosted by Denver Street School East Campus, explores the practical theology of education.