Admissions and Enrollment Process
Admissions and Enrollment Process
Our application is now open for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please see instructions below for New Families and Returning Families (different procedures). We are still accepting applications for mid-year transfer students for the 2024-2025 academic year if we have capacity. Please email us before you submit an application to ensure we have space.
If you have any questions about the admissions process, don’t hesitate to email admissions@augustineclassical.org. We look forward to serving your family through this process.
New Families
Key Dates:
November 1, 2024 — Online application opens
January 16, 2025 — Tuition assistance application opens
February 1, 2025 — Notification of acceptance on a rolling basis
March 13, 2025 — Tuition assistance application deadline
April 17, 2025 — Notification of tuition assistance awards
Step 1: Get to Know ACA
Schedule a tour or attend a program information night (see RSVPs for various events throughout the fall and winter under the Admissions tab). We would love to meet you and answer your questions.
Step 2: Apply Online
Complete our online application and pay a nonrefundable application fee. Click here to establish your account with ACA and access our admissions portal, where you can fill out the application.
For full time K-12th grade applicants the fee is $125 ($50 application fee + $75 assessment testing fee). For Preschool and Homeschool Collaborative applicants the fee is $50.
Step 3: Submit Academic Records
Request your child’s academic records for the prior academic year (if applicable). Records should include report cards, standardized test results, attendance records, and any behavioral/disciplinary records. Transferring homeschool families should submit a summary of coursework and any standardized test results.
Step 4: Schedule Family Interview
Once ACA receives your application and records, the admissions office will contact you to set up a family interview. We ideally like to meet with both parents, and we require that prospective Logic and Rhetoric students (6th grade and up) attend as well. We ask that you review the Parent Handbook before the interview.
Step 5: Notification of Acceptance
After all the previous steps have been completed, ACA leadership will make an admissions determination. Prospective families will be notified of acceptance by email on a rolling basis after February 1, 2025. Current families are given priority placement. If there are more applicants than seats available, names of approved applicants will be placed on a waitlist.
Note: We require that all prospective students (K-12) take a placement test to confirm their class assignment. All assessments are administered on campus in March and April. The admissions office will contact you to set up a placement test.
Step 6: Sign Contract and Pay Tuition Deposit
If you are accepted and decide to move forward with enrollment you must sign an enrollment contract and pay a nonrefundable $500/student tuition deposit* through FACTS, our online tuition management service. This deposit saves your child a seat in their class and will be credited towards your 2025-2026 tuition balance.
Step 7: Apply for Tuition Assistance, if applicable
Families who would like to apply for financial assistance may complete the “Grant and Aid” application on the FACTS portal. The tuition assistance application opens on January 16, 2025 and is due by March 13, 2025. Families will be notified of their tuition assistance package by April 17, 2025.
*If you anticipate a problem paying any required fee or deposit, please contact us to work out an alternative arrangement.
Returning Families
Key Dates:
January 16, 2025 — Re-enrollment contracts distributed
January 16, 2025 — Tuition assistance application available
January 31, 2025 — Re-enrollment contracts and deposits due
February 1, 2025 — Open enrollment begins
March 13, 2025 — Tuition assistance application deadline
April 17, 2025 — Notification of tuition assistance awards
Step 1: Sign Contract
ACA will email re-enrollment contracts for the 2025-2026 academic school year to current families on January 16, 2025. Please sign and submit the contract by January 31, 2025 to hold your child’s seat in their class. Starting on February 1, 2025 ACA will open enrollment to new families and current families are no longer guaranteed a seat.
Returning families applying for a new student (a student not previously enrolled at ACA) will need to fill out an application on the Parent Portal and walk through the enrollment process for that student, including a student placement assessment. To ensure priority enrollment, please submit your application before January 16, 2024.
Step 2: Pay Tuition Deposit
After you sign your contract, ACA will charge your FACTS account a nonrefundable $500 tuition deposit per student*. This deposit saves your child a seat in their class and will be credited towards your 2025-2026 tuition balance.
Step 3: Apply for Tuition Assistance (if applicable)
Families who would like to apply for financial assistance may complete the “Grant and Aid” application on the FACTS portal. The tuition assistance application opens on January 16, 2025 and is due by March 13, 2025. Families will be notified of their tuition assistance package by April 17, 2025.
*If you anticipate a problem paying any required fee, please contact us to work out an alternative arrangement.
A note on our application and admissions policies:
An admissions decision is made by the admissions committee based on parental understanding of, and agreement with, Augustine Classical Academy’s mission and policies, the child’s ability to successfully benefit from our educational program, and the availability of a spot in the class. The return of a signed enrollment contract and tuition deposit confirms enrollment.
Parents seeking to enroll their child after the beginning of the school year should be aware that there is a minimum of two weeks for the completion of the admissions process. A child may not attend classes until the admissions process is complete.
Although every parent or student is not required to be a professing Christian, each parent must have a clear understanding of the doctrine, philosophy, and methodology that Augustine Classical Academy employs. The key elements of classical and Protestant Christianity, as expressed in our statement of faith, will be unapologetically taught through all grade levels and across all subject disciplines. Parents who choose Augustine Classical Academy for their children are expected to cooperate willingly and gladly with the philosophy, policies, and curriculum of the school.
The school reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to refuse admission or discontinue enrollment when it is determined that the lifestyle of a student (or of the parents/guardians of the student) rises to such a level of conflict with the school’s moral principles (as articulated in the statement of faith) that it would compromise the school’s ability to effectively partner with the parent/guardian in educating the child. The school reserves the right to deny any applicant where it is determined that enrollment would not be in the best interest of the school, the family, or the child. Augustine Classical Academy does not discriminate in its admission policy based on race, national or ethnic origin, or sex. Families who are delinquent in payment of tuition to Augustine Classical Academy or who have outstanding balances at another private school are not eligible for enrollment or re-enrollment at Augustine Classical Academy.
Please e-mail us at admissions@augustineclassical.org or call at (720) 446-6286.