A building year…
Pre-Kindergarten is for students ages 4 & 5 (turning 4 by October 1). In Pre-Kindergarten, students continue to build on the knowledge and skills that were introduced in Preschool.
We build on math and literacy, independence and social emotional skills across the year. And we continue to model, teach and practice the social and emotional skills that help students prepare for kindergarten and beyond. Mastery may come for some children in some areas, but many will benefit from the gift of time - an extra year to continue along their unique developmental path.
Pre-K offers the same two or four-day schedule options as Preschool (afternoons optional). Some families prefer having more flexibility at this stage.
“ACP provides a strong community and connection with other parents who hold similar educational values for their children, including the no-screens-allowed dedication to education, the development of fine motor and pencil-holding skills, and the memorization of important bible verses and foundational academics.”
— An ACP Parent