Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
We are a four-day school (Monday - Thursday). For Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten we offer two-day or four-day schedules (Monday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Thursday or Monday - Thursday). Junior Kindergarten is four days (Monday - Thursday).
We offer both full and half-day options to best serve our families’ needs. Core academic subjects are concentrated in the morning and half-day students are dismissed after lunch. The afternoon schedule is not required to match the morning schedule. For example, your child may attend four mornings, and just two afternoons; however, morning enrollment is required for each day of afternoon enrollment.
All ACP classes have a maximum class size of 16 students with two teachers, or a maximum of 10 students with one teacher. In the afternoon, all classes have a maximum of 10 students with one teacher.
Math and Literacy:
Learning Without Tears forms the backbone of our curriculum for math and literacy. It is developmentally appropriate and provides an excellent foundation for reading, writing, and number sense.
Enrichment lessons (Science, Music, Literature, Art, Geography) are locally produced by our teachers to align with themes and age groups.
Preschool students enjoy a theme-based enrichment curriculum that changes monthly, feeding their sense of wonder and curiosity about the world God created and the things in it (farms, space, insects, dinosaurs, etc.).
Pre-K and Junior Kindergarten students embark on an exciting “trip around the world,” visiting each continent for five or six weeks and delving into the art, literature, music, animals, landforms, iconic landmarks, language, and flag of two countries on each continent. They retain an astounding amount of information and they LOVE it!
Weekly Bible lessons begin with creation and take our students through the Old and New Testaments. We place a special emphasis on the story of Christ’s birth through the month of December, and the story of Christ’s death and resurrection during the week leading up to Easter. A weekly Preschool Chapel service includes a short liturgy, the hymn of the trimester, and a chapel talk to reinforce the Bible lesson.
You can find our tuition rates here.
Yes. Click here for more information about the tuition assistance process.
Currently-enrollment families have preference ahead of new families for enrollment and schedule choice. Once enrollment opens each year, we fill classes on a first come, first served basis. Once classes fill, we move to a waitlist. If you are offered a seat, you will have 48 hours to accept the offer and pay the tuition deposit before the seat is offered to another family.
Yes. All ACP students must be fully potty trained before starting school, according to the following definition:
Asks to use the restroom when necessary
Able to use the restroom outside of the home
Uses the restroom for both urine and BM regularly and independently
Removes clothing as needed, uses the potty, wipes, flushes, dresses, and washes hands
We do allow mid-year enrollments, but age cutoffs still apply and the minimum age for the class must be reached by October 1 of the school year. We have found that maintaining the age cutoffs preserves a developmentally appropriate learning environment for all students throughout the year. We see the class grow together in their community and their ability to follow school routines. Once they get into the rhythm together, academic learning really takes off. For this reason, we do not to enroll students mid-year who would not have met the cutoff at the start of the year.
We are not a UPK provider for two central reasons:
1) Enrollment for UPK providers is determined via lottery conducted at the state level. We find that families who have experienced ACP firsthand are the best sources of referrals. We want to continue the opportunity to enroll families who are attracted to ACA because of what they see and hear from friends and family members.
2) We feel it’s important to have control of what we teach. If we were a UPK provider, we would give up that control. Additionally, classical Christian education intentionally integrates all subjects with Biblical truth. UPK cannot pay for content that is deemed to be religious in nature and it is impossible to extract faith from our content.
Lunch and snacks are provided by families. Each student will bring a lunch and snacks that meet nutritional guidelines.
This varies from year to year. ACP is allergy sensitive. This means that if we have life threatening allergies, foods containing allergens may be restricted from the classroom. If we have no allergies in a given year, there are no restrictions. Parents will be notified of any food restrictions due to allergies prior to the first day of school.
In compliance with licensing requirements, prior to school attendance, each student must have a current immunization form, or a medical or non-medical exemption form on file. Immunizations must be up to date if no exemption is provided.
We partner with Teams of Tomorrow (TOT) to offer a basketball skills program once a week from 12:45-1:30 PM. It is an optional program that is not included in ACP’s tuition. TOT extends the school day by one hour for half day students. Full day students are also welcome to participate and return to class after TOT.
Yes. We partner with a certified Speech Pathologist to offer speech screenings at the beginning of the school year for a small cost. Following the screening, parents receive feedback and recommendations. Weekly speech therapy sessions can be arranged during the week. This allows the speech therapy to happen during the school day, and enables direct feedback to ACP teachers on how they can support development in the classroom. Contact the office for more information.
Not at this time.
Not at this time.