Interested in employment opportunities at Augustine Classical Academy?
Hiring occurs each spring for fall positions. If there are no posted openings below but you would still like to apply for a specific position or to have your application on-file, please submit the following:
College (and Graduate, if applicable) transcript(s)
Three professional references
Submit applications to hr@augustineclassical.org, or send them via mail to: Augustine Classical Academy | 480 S. Kipling Street | Lakewood, CO 80226
Faculty Positions:
Early Childhood Teacher (Full-Time or Part-Time)
Grammar School Teacher (Full-Time)
Upper School Composition Teacher (Full-Time)
Upper School Humanities Teacher (Full-Time)
Administrative Positions:
None at this time
Substitute Teachers - Please send your resume directly to hr@augustineclassical.org.
ACA is looking for exceptional educators who align with our organizational mission and statement of faith. All ACA instructors should aim for excellence in the following competency areas. Please email hr@augustineclassical.org for position details.
Ideal Candidates are Familiar with:
— what classical education and the Trivium mean, even if they have not previously taught in a classical school
—the Great Conversation and how their discipline(s) relate(s) to it
Submit your resume to: hr@augustineclassical.org.
ACA Core Academic Competency Areas:
Spiritual Leadership & Discipleship
Professionalism & Alignment to ACA
Teamwork & Victor’s mindset
Parent Partnership & Communication
Pursuit of Mastery in classical Christian Education
Classroom Engagement & Environment
Student Learning, Growth, and Development
Curriculum Implementation, Lesson Planning, and Grading