Student Name
Please print name exactly as it should appear on permanent records.
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Name
Date of Birth
Grade Applying For
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
1 day per week
2 days per week
Desired enrollment date
Have you taken a tour of our school?
If "No," we'll be in touch to schedule a tour, which is part of our application process.
School Last Attended
Is your child eligible to return to school(s) previously attended?
Has your child ever been tested, or received professional help, for reading or learning differences?
If "yes" to above, explain here.
Has your child ever been tested, or received professional help, for emotional or psychological challenges?
If "yes" to above, explain here.
Are there any special factors or conditions, including special medications or allergies, affecting your child about which ACA needs to be informed?
If "yes" to above, explain here.
What are your child’s interests and extra-curricular activities?
Why would you like your child to attend Augustine Classical Academy?
How did you find out about ACA?
A friend
Google search
Driving by
Your church
If "Other," let us know here.
Father's Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Father lives with child?
Mother's Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Mother lives with child?
Are the child's father and mother married?
Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Additional Home Address
(if parents live separately)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Father's Primary Phone
Mother's Primary Phone
Employer Phone
Employer Phone
Sibling 1 Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Sibling 2 Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Sibling 3 Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Sibling 4 Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Does your child have any medical conditions such as diabetes, convulsion/seizures, nosebleeds, mumps, measles, heart disease/defect, chicken pox, asthma, or ear infection?
If "yes," additional forms may be needed prior to your child’s first day of school.
If "yes," explain here.
Does your child have any allergies? For example, to medication, insects, food, etc.?
If "yes," additional forms may be needed prior to your child’s first day of school.
If "yes," explain here.
Please list any dietary limitations your child has (gluten, dairy, etc.):
Please list any medications your child is taking:
If your child requires medication to be given during school hours, please inquire for additional forms to be filled out prior to your child’s first day of school. Please contact the school office for appropriate forms.
Please list any operation or serious injuries your child has had (include dates):
Please list any activities that you prefer your child NOT participate in:
Please read and acknowledge below.
Augustine Classical Academy exists to partner with families in providing an education that is both classical and Christian, equipping students to know, love and practice that which is true, virtuous and beautiful, and which challenges them to strive for excellence as they live for the glory of God and the good of all people.
Integrated faith, reason, and life lead to a proper view of both God and man. Therefore, Augustine Classical Academy teaches (1) a worldview based on the Bible and its central truths; (2) a classical curriculum based upon the vast scope of Western Civilization’s history and the development of its ideas; (3) the tools of learning and habits of behavior that support the pursuit of truth, beauty, virtue and the development of wisdom and excellent character.
FAITH.—Augustine Classical Academy holds firmly to the essential Biblical doctrines, detailed in the Statement of Faith, historically held in agreement among Christians. These furnish the intellectual tools to support student faith which is primarily developed in the home and church. The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the final authority for faith and life. Varying philosophical and religious ideas are examined through respectful inquiring and reasoned discussion.
REASON.—All students study the same books-based curriculum devoid of extraneous topics: history, the Bible, English, great works of literature, mathematics, logic, science, Latin, rhetoric, and the arts. Student academic achievement is supported through the use of the following: (1) subjects are taught chronologically and sequentially, with a gradual increase in complexity and requirements; (2) students receive instruction as a class and are evaluated based upon uniform criteria; (3) student knowledge is evaluated by written and oral work and regular testing that includes essays at the upper levels; (4) memorization and judicious repetition of facts help students retain foundational concepts, the analysis of facts and ideas builds reasoning, and the practice of Socratic dialogue refines understanding; (5) purposeful homework is required.
Augustine Classical Academy utilizes the natural stages of intellectual growth, organizing the entire K-12 curricula around the following four stages: (1) Primary Stage (K-2) – emphasizing the foundational skills of reading and arithmetic; (2) Grammar Stage (3-5) - the collection of basic information; the “what” of learning; (3) Logic Stage (6-8) – the acquisition of knowledge along with analytical and abstract thinking about the relationships among and between subjects; the “why” of learning; (4) Rhetoric Stage (9-12) – the increased understanding and interpretation of new and old ideas, the development of original thoughts; the “what if” and “why not” of learning.
Augustine Classical Academy also uses the classical model of teaching the “tools of learning.” These tools sharpen and equip the mind, not only in the present but also in the future, forming a practical plan for acquiring any new subject. The Tool of Grammar facilitates the acquisition of facts and skills not only of the English language but also the basic “language” of any subject. The Tool of Logic facilitates the application of logical and abstract reasoning, tying facts and ideas together. The Tool of Rhetoric facilitates effective communication; synthesizing facts, skills, ideas, and reasoning into original thoughts and expression.
LIFE.—School atmosphere, critical to student success, begins with a staff that is committed to classical teaching and learning, scripture, and service to others. Students are encouraged to examine the best thinking in alignment with God’s values and not merely depend on their own thinking as they develop views of themselves, others and the world.
Behavioral expectations are designed to foster the development of good habits and character, with consistent enforcement approached as a teaching opportunity. Augustine Classical Academy upholds expectations of perseverance and accountability within an ordered, pleasant atmosphere.
Diligence is expected. The actual required study time and academic results are unique to each student since students vary in their abilities and interests. School uniforms or a dress code and a closed campus enable all to concentrate on the central business of teaching and learning. The school day is devoted to academic pursuits.
Augustine Classical Academy recognizes the behavioral and learning differences between girls and boys. A variety of thoughtfully selected, interesting enrichment opportunities that complement the purpose of the school will be provided beyond the academic day as the school grows.
Active Parents.—Parents and the Augustine Classical Academy staff work as a team toward student success. Parents are responsible for the entire scope of rearing and educating their child. By choosing Augustine Classical Academy for their child’s education, they are delegating this area to the school. There is frequent communication between home and school. Parents appropriately facilitate their student’s learning, especially if their child is struggling. Parents provide their talents, time and resources to ensure and support the success of the school, accomplish school goals and encourage student achievement.
End Results.—Augustine Classical Academy graduates possess a solid background of knowledge based on a Biblical worldview, hold the tools to use for any future learning, and have the ability to live a thoughtful and selfless life.
On behalf of my child and family, I acknowledge and agree that my child will be taught according to this educational philosophy, which I have read.
Please read and acknowledge below.
The Godhead eternally exists in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and these three Persons are one God, having the same nature, attributes and perfections.
God the Father is the Creator and Preserver of all things; is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and necessarily exists; takes the initiative in revelation and salvation; is the One worthy of worship; and exercises providence, ownership, and Kingship over all creation.
The Lord Jesus Christ was incarnate and born of a virgin; exercised infallible teaching authority and miracle-working power; died on the cross as the substitutionary atonement for sin; was literally and bodily resurrected from the dead; and presently intercedes in heaven on behalf of believers.
The Holy Spirit convicts people of sin and regenerates, baptizes, indwells, seals, sets apart believers unto a holy life; keeps and empowers believers day by day; is the Teacher of the Word of God and the Guide for daily living; and is the Comforter, the One who manifests God’s presence in the life of believers.
The Scripture is the verbally inspired Word of God, wholly true; and both the Old and New Testaments as originally given are infallible in their teachings and are the supreme, sufficient and final authority for faith and life.
Humankind was created innocent and pure, in Adam fell through the sin of disobedience and being confirmed in sin is justly under condemnation and in need of redemption.
Salvation is by grace alone, not based upon good works; and is through faith alone in the person and work of Christ alone.
The Future includes the personal, visible, bodily return of Jesus Christ to earth as the Judge of all humankind; the bodily resurrection of the just to eternal happiness in the presence of God; and the bodily resurrection of the unjust to everlasting punishment, banished from the presence of God.
On behalf of my child and family, I acknowledge and agree that my child’s education at Augustine Classical Academy will be guided by these theological principles, which I have read.