The ACA Graduate

What does an ideal ACA graduate look like? This should be in constant view for teachers and parents together. Without alignment of expectations between family and school, poor results and dissatisfaction are simply a matter of time. With alignment, achievement moves steadily onward and upward.

An ACA graduate is a life-long learner by choice. Almost everything interests her, and while she has her own vocation and area of expertise, she is always eager to learn more, and widely.

An ACA graduate comes from a diverse social and cultural background relative to his peers. His ethnicity, gifts, interests, and goals may be unique.

An ACA graduate has a unified moral outlook relative to her peers. She sees the authority of scripture as the foundation for ultimate truth and as sufficient for faith and practice in life.

An ACA graduate is diligent in everything. He understands that duty and hard work are commanded by God, and he sees what good gifts they are.

An ACA graduate is committed to excellence. She takes full responsibility for getting the job done, whatever the cost, and she does it joyfully with all her heart. 

An ACA graduate is at peace with his failings. He knows that he is always a child of God who is deeply loved by his Father.

An ACA graduate takes action in life. She knows that knowledge is worthless if it isn't applied, and so she has missional habits for the sake of her personal development, her family, her job, and her broader community.

An ACA graduate serves. He stoops and gets his hands dirty. He understands that fulfillment and blessing in life come through faithfulness in trials and faithfulness in mundane routines.

An ACA graduate seeks leadership in high places. She understands that all honest jobs are honorable, but that God has also called his people to high things. She seeks influence for God's glory and for the good of all people.

An ACA graduate impacts culture. He knows that action and innovation are needed in families, churches, cities, and foreign countries. He knows that he is a unique instrument designed for a greater cultural purpose.

An ACA graduate is thankful. She sees the gift and the magic of life, despite its hardships, and she strives to pass on the blessings she has received to her own children, and to her children's children.


Education is Never Neutral


Beyond Letter Grades and Lesson Plans