2014-15 Annual Report
From our Board of Directors:
Dear ACA Families, Friends, and Supporters,
On behalf of the Board, I’m pleased to share with you Augustine Classical Academy’s first-ever annual report, which gives program highlights and a financial overview of ACA’s 2014-15 academic year.
You’ll see here what it takes financially to keep ACA running, which is significant, though still less per-pupil than the per-pupil expenditures at area public school districts. You’ll also see how carefully we steward our dollars and that they primarily—and appropriately—go to staff salaries and benefits.
While the data herein are important, the true highlights of ACA’s life aren’t captured in this report. They are the light-bulb moments when a preschooler finally gets that elusive “qu” phonogram; the thrills of spotting butterflies during a second-grade nature walk and wondering, What must our God be like, that He creates butterflies?; the wonder of building an aqueduct modeled after the ancient Romans’ innovation; and the adventures offered by such classics as The Hobbit and Treasure Island.
These moments—and the millions like them that define our children’s days at ACA—aren’t run-of-the-mill. ACA is, without a doubt, a remarkable and rare place, and we thank God for the richness of this experience for our community of families.
As we look to 2016 and beyond, the Board will continue its focus on marketing, fundraising, and careful stewardship of the resources we have. We invite you to join us in any of these endeavors if you feel so called. (You can email board@augustineclassical.org to reach us at any time, or come to the public session of our Board meetings the first Tuesday of every month at 7 PM.)
Thanks for your part in building this small but mighty place. My prayer is always that God would help us grow in enrollment and influence, and that God would use ACA to help an ever-growing group of students to know, love, and practice what is true, good, and beautiful.
Sincerely, Hilary Oswald Chair, ACA Board of Directors